Bluetooth: That is the kind of tech which lets you hooking-up the ear protection with your phone or tablet. So yes, you can hear your favorite high-pitch songs or interesting shows without putting your ear in danger by the noise of such gross voices. Isn’t that cool and awesome?
By: Andy Follin… are special protection for your ears designed to filter sounds and protect them from loud noises; but how do these magical ear protectors ensure your precious hearing is taken care of? While they're built to drown out the sounds that will hurt your hearing, you can still hear other pertinent things around you — like the sound of a friend calling your name or an alarm going off. That is like a super hero shield for your ears!
Not to mention the convenience of Bluetooth ear protection for all. You know — big bulky headphones, or those tiny earplugs. Then, you put in your Bluetooth ear protection, pair it to your device and guess what? And that's you ready to hit the music, while protecting your ears!
When you attend a concert, there will be people using ear protection which are designed to protect their ears from the volume of the loud music. However, many workers also put on ear protection while they are on the clock. Most of the time, these machines or tools are noisy that can affect their hearing over time since construction workers rarely cover their ears.
Now that is no longer an inconvenience when working with Bluetooth ear protection as workers can keep their ears safe, be entertained and talking on the phone all at once. This makes their work more fun and keeps them on track about what they are doing, increasing the concentration level!
Our Bluetooth ear protection is designed to wrap around your ears securely to make it extremely comfortable. It is lightweight, hence, it will not give you a heavy or uncomfortable feeling when worn for an extended period. It also enables you to listen to music or even have a telephone conversation anywhere!
The great thing with using Bluetooth ear protection is you are able to play your music and still have an amazing sense of what is happening around you as well. This is super important! It muffs the loud booms that can damage your ear drums, but allows you to still hear. people next to you or emergency sirens in the event a building catches fire and stuff like that.
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