It is critical to preserve their ears when individuals are actually firing. Additionally, gunshots are very loud and can be really dangerous to your hearing. This is why it's important to wear ear protection trying to make a fun day out shooting last night something you regret by damaging your hearing. For those who love to shoot and listen to music at the same time, an amazing solution as Suntech Safetycio created.
Yes, in order to enhance the productivity of individuals and lower the number of on-field incidents too, Suntech Safety has brought out wireless Bluetooth ear protection for this purpose. As a result, you can wear it while listening to music or else when speaking to someone on the phone when snapping away. It connects to your phone via Bluetooth so you can listen to all your bangers whilst staying safe. It really improves your shooting experience!
Seriously all my shooting friends the wireless ear pro is where it's at and you won't find anything better on the market today! It also helps keep your ears safe, while you listen to music or answer your phone while on the range. The ear protection is soft and comfortable enough to wear for many hours. In addition to being housed in ultra-durable materials that can withstand rough outdoor conditions.
Bluetooth Ear Protection for Shooting Fans by Suntech Safety It delivers great noise isolation without wires to get in your way. Which means there are no cords or cables to potentially get tangled up and obstruct you. It goes a long way in making your shooting range or field time convenient and pleasant.
SunTech Safety wireless ear protection (with Bluetooth technology) makes shooting more comfortable and safe than ever. It protects your ears and allows you to listen to music, answer the phone. It is a vital necessity for any shooter to have ear protection and this device won't let it be overlooked. The padding is plush for extra comfort, allowing you to game for prolonged sessions without the strain or pain. Just remember to enjoy yourselves while being smart about being safe.
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